Title 22: Code of Resident Care
Residential care facilities for the elderly in California are governed by various laws, acts, manuals and codes. To foster the self-reliance of residents under extended care, those who run RCFEs benefit from taking every RCFE administrator class they can, such as the ones offered by Assisted Living Education . These courses keep administrators compliant with state regulations that protect residents' rights, ensure a quality standard of living and make sure everything is documented properly. The California Code of Regulations Title 22 is the main document that outlines these regulations. Resident Rights Title 22 outlines the criteria of residents who can be accepted and retained at RCFEs. The purpose is not to exclude but to set boundaries to provide the best service possible. Those who need greater care than these facilities are equipped to provide are not admitted for their own good and the good of the residents who rely on the care of the staff. Residents have the rig...