COVID Testing in RCFEs To Prevent Virus Spread

People living in residential care facilities for the elderly are at a higher risk for major complications from COVID-19. This is due to underlying health conditions and age. There is also a high chance for the spread of the virus in these facilities because of how closely the individuals live together. An RCFE administrator needs to be prepared to use strategies to prevent virus spread because of the high-risk nature of COVID to the residents.

Use Testing

One measure to prevent virus spread at an RCFE is by testing all residents if there is an outbreak. Testing residents helps ensure that those who have the virus are found, even if they are asymptomatic, so treatment for their health can start immediately and safety measures can be implemented for the other staff and tenants as soon as possible.
Be Prepared

The RCFE administrator needs to be prepared for what he or she will do to implement the necessary guidelines if an outbreak occurs. The administrator should prepare with plans for keeping residents together who have the virus, known as cohorting, and to deal with PPE equipment and staff. The ability to perform rapid tests is important as well to quickly identify who has been infected and start the next steps.

The coronavirus is a particular danger to the elderly. Directors of RCFEs should accordingly act with care to protect their residents.


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